Madhumitha Gomathinayagam
In her 18 years of service to society she has been a first responder, a scribe, a caretaker of differently abled, a campaigner for road safety … and the list goes on. In a consistent engagement of saving lives, she has donated blood 73 times from the age of 17, making it about 4 times a year. She has provided first-aid not just to humans but also to animals. She is busy tending to cats and dogs during the Diwali season every year working along with the blue cross and other NGOs.
She says – “As a Transgender Woman, we don’t have family, so we consider this society as our family!!!”. True to her words, she spends all of her free time volunteering for social causes with a focussed inclination to saving lives.
Presented Madhumitha Gomathinayagam – A Real Life Hero – A Good Samaritan – An ALERT Being.
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